Part 2 &3: 4 Star
Published: February 2016
Genre: Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Short, Erotic
I received an ARC copy from Netgalley and St. Martin's in exchange for an honest review.
This is a review of the complete three part e-series, all spoilers have been left out as to not impact your reading of the other parts of the e-serial.
Oh man, I am so thankful I got to read all three parts of this serial novella at once, because I might have walked away after part 1 and it would have been terrible had I, because this one is excellent. What starts out slow in part one grabs you in with the want to know more. It's a bit taboo, there isn't quite enough character development, but there is sexy chemistry. We know there's a reason why Ella doesn't want to be touched ever, but we don't know why. We know there's a reason Sean, handsome, gifted Sean, is a prostitute, but again we don't know why. These questions leave you wanting more. We get a glimpse of Ella's success, something we see more of over the remaining two parts, but aren't fully revealed any answers until the very end. This method of giving just the surface in part one could make or break this read for you, but let me tell you, it's worth the read.
For such a quick read, I finished all three parts within a few hours, there is a lot to it. While novellas are not my normal cup of tea, Shiloh Walker has a way with detail. It's handed to you over the entire length of all three parts, but it contains just enough for you to start forming a picture. A picture of who each character is, of the varying situations that impact them so, and how it all ties together. I was completely enthralled with Ella, both as an individual, and her "relationship" with Sean. She's a fascinating character, but I think Sean is the reason for that. Both are extremely well written and their dialogue, as well as personal thoughts, during their interactions were so addictive to read. I loved that both characters could easily have their lives fall apart at any moment, even though from the outside it looks so perfect. Did I expect complete smutty erotica? Yes. Did I get that? Eh, yes. I liked the sex scenes a lot, but there's really so much to it. Without giving anything away, the sex scenes bring so much more depth and substance to this story, and the characters, than you would ever expect. I will be adding Shiloh Walker to my authors to watch list, because this e-serial not only grabbed my emotions, but had me completely wrapped in there characters lives by the end.
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