Wednesday, February 3, 2016

T5W! Top 5 Biggest Bad Ass Characters

It's time for another round of Top 5 Wednesday! Gotta love Lainey, of GingerReadsLainey, and the awesome people in the T5W group that come up with these epic lists. Today's top 5 centers around favorite bad asses and let me tell you, it was hard to narrow them down. I love a good bad ass character, you just can't go wrong with a main or secondary character being so darn cool. Funny enough, I don't usually love paranormal novels, but it looks like most of my favorite bad ass characters are of the paranormal variety. They're also all female!
Here's my list, in order of favorite. Hopefully you find something you haven't read before! Let me know who your top 5 is in the comments.


1. Veronica Mars

From your television to the books, Veronica Mars is one bad ass character. Seriously, she literally kicks butt, spies, saves her friends, and has the snarkiest comments in the entire world. I've been a Marshmallow since day one and that'll never change.

2. Evangeline "Evie" Greene
The Arcana Chronicles
Meet the Arcana Chronicles Empress. Seriously, she's a fricken live tarot card. Thrown from her perfect life, Evie learns how to fight with the best of them as the other Arcana fight to the death for immortality.
ps. Can I have Death as my own? He's a bad ass too!

3. Johanna Mason of The Hunger Games

Even in the movies! Anytime this girl gets page/screen time I get excited. Yes, I love Katniss, but there is just something so bad ass about Johanna Mason and her straight forward, no bullshit personality. Plus, girl kills with an axe.

4. The ladies and gentlemen of Night World
In high school all I wanted to be was like every girl in the Night World series from LJ. Smith. I still re-read the series to this day and I think every single character is a major bad ass.
"Vampires, werewolves, witches, shapeshifters -- they live among us without our knowledge. Night World is their secret society, a secret society with very strict rules. And falling in love breaks all the laws of the Night World."

5. Cassie Blake of The Secret Circle
Not necessarily my favorite tv show, but the books still sit in a coveted spot on my shelf at home. Cassie Blake is one powerful and dangerous witch, but she's got a heart of gold. She may not have been as outlandish as Faye Chamberlain, but she was a bad ass for doing it all the right way, mostly. Yes, that's two series for L.J. Smith with bad asses that I love.


  1. Yaasss, Johanna Mason. Definitely a bad ass. I haven't heard (other than V. Mars) of any of the others. I feel like checking those out now!

    If you're interested here is my list for the week.


    1. I kept seeing everyone with the same lists so I wanted to change it up! I haven't read throne of glass from your list, so I am adding it to my TBR!

  2. Replies
    1. I love how many of us put her on our lists! She totally kicks ass.

  3. Such great picks! I've been wanting to read the Arcana Chronicles for a while now but I haven't been able to read it yet. Johanna Mason is so kick ass! I can't believe she didn't come to mind for me! Here is my T5W if you want to check it out!


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