2018 Reading Resolutions
Happy New Year! I really missed Top 5 Wednesdays last year, it was something I looked forward to every week and it made for an interesting, non-review and non-PR related post. This year I am bringing it back, taking this blog another step forward into being more than just a Lit Blog and focusing on my new tagline from last year, Literature AND Life.
Here are my Top 5 2018 Reading Resolutions
1. Commit to doing at least 2 T5W posts a month!
This will make for exciting blog content and will help me find new books.
2. Read my Netgalley backlog!
That's over 100 books from 2015, 2016, and 2017...oops.
3. Introduce some new authors to my reading list.
I read the same authors over and over and over again, I rarely take the time to read books from authors I haven't heard of.
4. Get outside of the box.
I read so many books from the same authors (see above) and the same genre that I easily get bored. I want to break the mold and read books from genres that I haven't read from before or genres I used to love and have left behind for one reason or another.
5. Don't be afraid to DNF or say no to an ARC.
If you're interested in joining in, here's January 2018's schedule:
January 3rd: 2018 Reading Resolutions
-- Self explanatory. Let us know 5 of your reading goals for the year.
January 10th: Books You Didn't Get to In 2017
--These are books you didn't end up getting to in 2017, but really want to prioritize in 2018.
January 17th: Forgettable Books
--Whether you loved or hated them at the time, these are books that you just don't really remember...
January 24th: Books You Disliked but Love to Discuss
-- Some books we disliked or they were just okay, but they still have a lot of discussion points to sink your teeth into.
January 31st: Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Genre
-- What are some of your favorite books in your favorite genre that don't get a lot of hype?
-- Self explanatory. Let us know 5 of your reading goals for the year.
January 10th: Books You Didn't Get to In 2017
--These are books you didn't end up getting to in 2017, but really want to prioritize in 2018.
January 17th: Forgettable Books
--Whether you loved or hated them at the time, these are books that you just don't really remember...
January 24th: Books You Disliked but Love to Discuss
-- Some books we disliked or they were just okay, but they still have a lot of discussion points to sink your teeth into.
January 31st: Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Genre
-- What are some of your favorite books in your favorite genre that don't get a lot of hype?
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