If you've been following my reviews for a while you know that I have a handful of one-click authors that I will drop everything for. Their books take precedence over anything else, and not just other books, but life in general takes a backseat. I eat up their words, I see through their character's eyes, and then I stalk those authors down so I can tell them all my thoughts. It's serious business. K. Webster is one of those authors and she loves the madness, thankfully. From psychological suspense to contemporary and erotic romances, I am a fan of just about anything she writes. Today I am super excited to share with you my review and some teasers from the upcoming anthology she is releasing, titled B-Sides and Rarities: A Collection of Unfinished Madness. As far as regular novels go, this is not normal, but it is just as good as anything full length she's ever written.

Published: COMING SOON
Genre: Anthology, Adult, New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Dark, Suspense
ARC Provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
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Have you ever wondered about the process a writer goes through as their mind fills with ideas? What about the writer's block and how they get through it? K. Webster grants her fans a glimpse at this process with B-Sides and Rarities: A Collection of Unfinished Madness, an anthology filled with brief summaries, lengthy chapters, glimpses into the characters that haunt her mind, and completely unfinished stories.
With 12 tracks and one bonus track of a future novel (Hello Gabe and his cucumbers!), K. Webster takes the reader on a wild ride that leaves one begging for more.
I love anthologies, I am a huge fan of a writer or many writers sharing their brief thoughts on a single subject. What makes B-Sides and Rarities so unique is its unfinished nature, some stories a single paragraph while others consist of several chapters. The tracks range from suspense to romance and historical to psychological. Each left me wanting more, a few made me desperate for full length novels and others made me want just a paragraph on what happened to the characters in the end. I definitely had my favorites, in fact I might have threatened to hunt K. Webster down if I didn't get more to Track 12: Sweet Vengeance, because holy hot tattooed man and super unique story line.
If you are a true hater of cliffhangers, this is not for you, but if you're a glutton for punishment and characters that will hang in your mind, taunting you with their unfinished business, then this is one I definitely suggest you pick up.
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